Socials Brewing: The meaning behind the business name

My business name can really be chalked up to a few (happy) accidents. My first company name was “Boldly Bound” and while that is very much aligned with my personality, there was really no intentionality with it as far as my actual business. 

So my bestie and I got to work. I wanted to mix something with what I love and how I wanted to bring value to the industries I love. Believe it or not but the first name I landed on was “Socially Brewed”. I was IN LOVE with the name. Obsessed, but like every good marketer, I checked and researched to ensure I was falling for something that was already being taken.

To my sincere disappointment, not only was it taken but it was being used by several different companies. So J suggested “Socials Brewing”. I.. yeah I wasn’t stoked. I told her I would test it, so I proceeded to say it 100000x in the span of a few days. 

I told her that we could move forward with it, begrudgingly. Oddly enough though, I wasn’t satisfied with just “begrudgingly” liking something. So I did what most marketers do in a tight spot.

I researched.

And researched.

And researched some more.

The more I looked and felt through my business name, the more I liked it. Cause Socials Brewing isn’t past tense. It doesn’t end. 

Like the business name presents, Socials Brewing is always growing, adapting, and evolving. Like every good batch of cold brew the longer it brews the better it gets.

That’s when I knew I found something that truly aligned with how I run my business, how I teach and mentor people with social media, and how I will continue to serve my clients. 


Top 5 Things I Learned As A Social Media + Experiental Marketer