1 Instagram Analytic to Track for Growth (and How to track it)

As a marketer who loves data, ANYTIME, I get excited when I see my community create content on data. Most of it isn’t great, it lacks A LOT of context behind the data they are showing. In some respects, I understand as they are trying to show a result that they “can get their clients”. Is it the most transparent thing? No.

Let me give you specific 1 Instagram Analytics to track for growth and how to do it ⤵️


Impressions / Profile Visits / Followers = Discovery Retention

What this equation unveils: an overview of your Instagram account, the content you’re creating, your social media optimization practices and how it’s all playing together with your audience. 

How to break it down:

  • Social Media Optimization - this is the easiest part of the equation. If you see that your posts are getting a lot of impressions, you're following good optimization practices.

  • Profile Visits - are those non-followers clicking on your profile to look at more of your content?

  • Followers - how many followers do I have?

Now, remember, this equation is an overview of your entire account. When you’re starting your retention is going to be low. Unless you’re a content superstar, it’s rare but it does happen. This is because you're still figuring out your style and way of doing things. Sometimes it's not “what you’re saying”, it's about “how” you’re saying it.

If you’ve had your account for some time and you’ve noticed a downturn in your retention, this could be a strategic issue in your content or SMO. For example, if you’re chasing too many trends and not spending enough time talking about things that your audience is interested in. If this happens ask yourself, “What does my community care about in the short term? What do they care about in the long term? What was I doing a few months ago and that was valuable to them?”

At the end of the day, it's all about understanding your community. What they want/need is something you need to keep in mind with every piece of content you create. We are all guilty of wanting to say too much all at once. Yet, keeping to one point and one purpose will allow you to create more.

Interested in working together in creating an intentional, holistic marketing strategy that works? I’m game if you are!


The ‘Omnichannel Experience’ Strategy